Now that the SimpleFIN Bridge is up, you can check on your finances from the command line. Go sign up for the Alpha here!

First, generate a setup token. We’ll use the demo one (so you folks at home can copy and paste away):

CLAIM_URL=$(echo SETUP_TOKEN | base64 -D)
echo ${CLAIM_URL}

Then we convert the setup token into an access url (this demo token can be converted any number of times, but real tokens can only be converted once):


Save the access url:

echo "${ACCESS_URL}" > ~/.simplefin-access
chmod 0600 ~/.simplefin-access

We can get a JSON dump of our transactions using curl:

curl $(cat ~/.simplefin-access)/accounts

which makes:

{"accounts": [{"transactions": [{"posted": 1465286400, "id": "demo-1465286400", "amount": "-8.88", "description": "Grocery Store"}, {"posted": 1465315200, "id": "demo-1465315200", "amount": "-22.80", "description": "Rent"}, ...snip...

Or we can get the last few days’ transactions:

$ python
Mon --------------- --------
    Movie Theater     -11.60
    Clothing Store     -2.91
    Rent               -4.24
    Clothing Store     -7.29
    Clothing Store    -18.21
    Good Person Rew   -64.69
    Good Person Rew    27.94
    Grocery Store      -3.55
Tue --------------- --------
    Grocery Store      -8.88
    Rent               -9.12
    Rent               -8.01
    Rent              -22.80
    Gas Station        -0.25
    Good Person Rew   -52.25
    Good Person Rew    19.02
    Clothing Store     -3.40
Wed --------------- --------
    Clothing Store     -8.50
    Movie Theater      -9.49
    Grocery Store     -16.43
    Movie Theater     -23.74
    Gas Station       -11.84
    Good Person Rew   -52.00
    Good Person Rew    39.40
    Grocery Store      -3.29
Thu --------------- --------
    Grocery Store      -8.21
    Gas Station       -12.60
    Grocery Store      -4.71
    Gas Station       -31.50
    Grocery Store     -16.17
    Good Person Rew   -44.82
    Good Person Rew    35.15
    Clothing Store     -5.41
Fri --------------- --------
    Clothing Store    -13.52
    Gas Station        -0.50
    Movie Theater      -6.54
    Gas Station        -1.25
    Clothing Store    -18.88
    Good Person Rew   -70.02
    Good Person Rew    29.85
           expenses  -576.62
             income   151.36
                net  -425.26

using this Python script:

#!/usr/bin/env python
from __future__ import print_function

import os
import requests
import time
from decimal import Decimal
from datetime import datetime
from collections import defaultdict

access_url = open(os.path.expanduser('~/.simplefin-access'), 'rb').read().strip()
scheme, rest = access_url.split('//', 1)
auth, rest = rest.split('@', 1)
url = scheme + '//' + rest + '/accounts'
auth = tuple(auth.split(':', 1))

day = 24 * 60 * 60
today = time.mktime(
week_ago = int(today - 3 * day)

by_day = defaultdict(list)

params = {'start-date': week_ago}
response = requests.get(url, params=params, auth=auth)
data = response.json()

for account in data['accounts']:
    for trans in account['transactions']:
        trans['posted'] = datetime.fromtimestamp(trans['posted'])

pos_total = Decimal('0')
neg_total = Decimal('0')

for day in sorted(by_day)[1:]:
    print('{0} --------------- --------'.format(day.strftime('%a')))
    transactions = sorted(by_day[day], key=lambda x:x['posted'])
    pos = Decimal('0')
    neg = Decimal('0')
    for trans in transactions:
        amount = Decimal(trans['amount'])
        this_neg = ''
        this_pos = ''
        if amount >= 0:
            this_pos = amount
            pos += amount
            this_neg = amount
            neg += amount
        print('    {memo:<15} {amount:>8}'.format(
    pos_total += pos
    neg_total += neg
    print('    {empty:<15} {amount:>8}'.format(

print('    {0:>15} {1:>8}'.format('expenses', neg_total))
print('    {0:>15} {1:>8}'.format('income', pos_total))
print('    {0:>15} {1:>8}'.format('net', neg_total + pos_total))

If you want to see your real transaction data on the command line, sign up to be an Alpha tester on the SimpleFIN Bridge. It costs $0.50/bank/month billed 3 months at a time.